Man charged with 2008 murder of businessman

Murdered businessman, Ricardo Henriques

Almost three years after 31-year-old businessman Ricardo Henriques, of D’Urban Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown was fatally shot in the head at point blank range, just outside a Guyana Lottery Company booth on Middle Street near Juice Power, a third person has been charged for his murder. 

Previously, Georgetown residents Junior Henry of 58 West Ruimveldt Estate and Baldeo Seegobin of 99 West Ruimveldt Estate were charged, on November 27 last, with the murder of the 32-year-old businessman. 

Philbert McPherson, the third man, was arraigned on Tuesday, January 11, for the murder of the businessman. He was not required to plead to the indictment, which stated that on November 24, 2008, at Middle Street, South Cummingsburg, Georgetown, he murdered Henriques.  

McPherson was remanded to prison by acting Chief Magistrate Priya Beharry when he made an appearance at that Georgetown magistrate’s court on Tuesday. He will make another court appearance on February 7, 2011. 

In presenting the indictment, police prosecutor Stephen Telford said that, on the day in question, at approximately 18:40hrs, the now-dead man and two others were standing in front of Juice Power on Middle Street when the accused, who was the pillion rider on a motor cycle, approached with a gun, which he pointed to the now-dead man and shot him. At the same time, the accused snatched a bag containing $800,000 cash that Henriques had in his possession and sped away. 

The injured man was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where he subsequently died, Telford stated. He related that the accused was positively identified in an identification parade that was conducted last Saturday. He made an application for bail to be refused and an early date set for report. 

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